Tap Into Your Personal Power Affirmations
-I am directly tapped into my personal power
-I have full command of my personal power
-I am in tune with my personal power and in full control of it
-I am naturally able to command my personal power and I am successful because of this
-I always act in the moment and get things done as they need doing
-I am a natural action taker
-I act on my desires immediately and without hesitation
-I can achieve anything I set my mind to
-I am motivated and driven and I always follow through on my goals and plans
-I believe in myself 100% and I can achieve the lifestyle I desire
-I am becoming more in touch with my personal power every single day
-I will take control of my personal power
-I am finding myself more driven, ambitious and focused on my goals
-I am turning into someone who is naturally motivated, ambitious and focused on -creating success
-I am becoming a natural action taker
-I will always act on my desires and motivations
-I will act in the moment, without hesitation, every single time
-I am turning into a focused, productive, action orientated individual
-I am starting to see success and positive improvement from taking control of -my mind
-I am starting to live my dream reality and moving towards it every single day
-My personal power comes naturally to me
-I find it easy to tap into my personal power
-Being in full command of my mind and body comes naturally and effortlessly
-Being successful is my natural rite
-Success is something I just achieve naturally through following my desires and taking action
-Taking action upon my desires is my natural way of life
-My personal power to act, live in the moment and follow my dreams is my --greatest asset
-People see me as someone who takes action and works all out to achieve their dreams
-People look up to me as a driven, ambitious and successful person
-Taking action as soon as I have the instinct to is the reason for my success
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