Become More Ambitious Affirmations

 -I am a productive person

-I am someone who does what he needs to do when he needs to do it

-I am destined for great things

-I find it easy to set goals and achieve those goals

-I am self motivated

-I am highly driven

-I love to work hard, hard work is the only way to the top

-I am always pushing myself

-I never cut corners, do it right or don’t do it at all

-I always give everything my 100%

-I am becoming more and more driven each day

-I will set goals and make sure that I don’t stop until I have reached them

-I am becoming someone who is naturally productive

-I will always give 100% on all that I do

-I am naturally becoming someone who sets high personal standards for themselves

-I will achieve great things due to my work ethic

-Each day my focus gets stronger and stronger

-With each passing day I become less of a procrastinator

-I will always keep going after what I want no matter how hard things may get

-My level of ambition is increasing on a daily basis

-Motivated is just what I am

-I find it easy to focus on the task at hand

-Setting a goal, coming up with a plan to achieve that goal and finally

-reaching that goal is just something that has always been inside me

-Reaching the top was what I was born to do

-Giving 100% is something I just naturally do

-I don’t even have think think about setting high standards for myself, I just do

-Only doing what needs to be done at the time it needs to be done just comes easily to me

-When people need a hard worker it is me they come too

-Everyone I know looks to me on how they should approach life

-Waking up ready to tackle the day head on is natural and effortless for me


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