Win The Lottery Affirmations
-I believe deeply that I can win the lottery
-My mind is in sync with the force of universal luck
-I am destined to win huge amounts of money
-I always choose winning numbers
-I am extremely lucky
-I am a natural born lottery winner
-I am visualizing myself winning the lottery
-I naturally attract luck and money
-My mind is totally focused on picking winning lottery numbers
-I am attracting a big lottery win
-I will win the lottery
-I am going to win the lottery and live the life of my dreams
-Sensing lucky numbers is becoming easier
-Each day I attract more luck into my life
-I will become totally focused on winning the lottery
-I am beginning to feel deeply that I will win the lottery
-My mind is becoming more attuned to the reality of winning the lottery
-My belief in a lottery win is growing stronger
-I will use positive thinking and belief to easily pick winning numbers
-I will use my intuition to choose winning lottery numbers
-I deserve to win millions of dollars
-It is my destiny to win the lottery
-Winning the lottery is something I will just naturally do
-Choosing winning numbers comes naturally to me
-My mind is effortlessly clear, focused, and in-tune
-Others see me as someone who is just naturally lucky all the time
-I have a deep connection to the universal force of luck
-I am the kind of person who is always winning money on the lottery
-I find it easy to visualize myself winning massive amounts of money
-I will take care of my friends and family with my lottery winnings
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