
 - I am sleepy

- I fall asleep easily

- I am relaxing in my mind

- I am letting go of stress

- My body is relaxed and ready for sleep

- I am free from worrying about insomnia

- I am drifting off to sleep

- I will break free from insomnia

- I will naturally fall asleep

- I will sleep right through the night

- My sleep pattern is becoming healthier

- My body relaxes easily at the end of the day 

- I have a healthy sleeping pattern

- I wake up feeling refreshed 

- It feels wonderful waking up

- I am in control of my sleeping pattern

- I sleep all through the night and I will continue to do so 

- I get up as soon as my alarm clock goes off feeling fresh and alert 

- I feel fresh and alert when I wake up in the morning 

- I enjoy a deep refreshing sleep every night 

- I enjoy my sleep

- My bedroom is a place of comfort, relaxation and deep sleep 

- Insomnia is no longer part of me

- When I enter my bedroom my thoughts naturally detach and slow down 

- My bedroom is a place of sleep and relaxation 

- I let go of my sleeping problems

- I always drift off easily to sleep

- I am always calm and relaxed at bed time, ready to drift into a deep sleep 

- I feel very sleepy when my head hits the pillow 

- I am always looking forward to bed time

- My sleeping problems are in the past

- I am insomnia free


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