Change Your Beliefs About Money Affirmations

 -I am changing my beliefs about money

-I always find a way to make money

-I am attracting money and growing my bank account

-I am a finely-tuned money making machine

-I am completely dedicated to acquiring more money

-I am totally focused on achieving financial success

-I am attracting large amounts of money into my life

-Money is everywhere

-I believe in myself and my ability to acquire massive wealth

-I have only positive beliefs about money

-I will change my beliefs about money

-I will be the kind of person who is always making money

-I am becoming wealthy

-I am beginning to feel that I truly deserve to be wealthy

-My attitude towards money is becoming more positive with each day

-Money is becoming easier and easier to acquire

-My mind is starting to feel highly attuned to money

-I will become fully dedicated to achieving financial success

-I will develop rock solid confidence in my ability to make money

-I am transforming into someone who thinks about money all the time

-I am just naturally good with money

-I deserve to be wealthy and have financial freedom

-I have an intense dedication to acquiring large amounts of money

-My mind is naturally focused on making as much money as I possibly can

-I recognize that money is the most important key to having the life I want

-I find it easy to think positively about money

-I am effortlessly focused on money at all times

-Money is all around me, all I have to do is reach out and grab it

-I have a keen awareness of any opportunity to make money

-I think positively about money and this naturally attracts wealth into my life


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